Linux and Git GitHub Commands

Linux and Git GitHub Commands

Linux & Git-GitHub commands I learned :

#90DaysOfDevOps Day 12th

Basic Commands




Show all files and directories present in the working directory

ls -l

Show all files and directories along with details like ownership, size, and when they were last modified

ls -t

Sort the output of ls by last modified date


List the path of the current working directory

cd directory

Switch to a different working directory

cd ..

Move up one directory level

cd /

Switch to the root directory


Wipe out all the text from the terminal screen


Print out all the previously executed commands in the current session

touch filename

Create a new file

vi filename

Open a file for editing

cat filename

Display the contents of a file


List system information, including kernel, release, architecture, and virtualization etc.


Show the network interfaces, IP addresses, and MAC address of the system


Print the current system date and time


List all the running processes on the system

free -m

Show memory usage stats

head filename

Display the first 10 lines of a file

tail filename

Display the last 10 lines of a file

mv file /new/file/path

Move the file to a different location

mv filename new_filename

Rename a file

cp filename new_filename

Copy a file

man command_name

List helpful information regarding a command

rm filename

Delete a file

rm –rf directory_name

Remove a directory and its contents


For regular users to run commands with elevated privileges

mkdir directory_name

Create a new directory

kill pid

Kill a process using its process ID


Restart the system

shutdown –h now

Turn off the system

Networking Commands



dig domain_name

Show the DNS related information of the given domain name

dig -x host

Perform a reverse lookup for a host

host domain_name

Perform DNS lookup of the given domain name which prints out the IP address

whois domain_name

For more information about a domain

ping ip

Check the connectivity between your host and the given IP address

ssh username@ip

To securely log in as the specified user on another server

wget file

Download a file

wget -c file

Continue a stopped download

traceroute domain_name

Trace the route a packet will take when travelling from your machine to a host

telnet domain_name port

Connect to a remote host on a specific port

netstat –pnltu

Display all currently listening ports


Display the routing table for your machine


View the contents of the ARP (address resolution protocol) table

cat /etc/resolv.conf

See the DNS servers that your machine is currently using

tcpdump -i eth1 'port 80'

Log and monitor all incoming traffic on port 80

nmap ip

Network discovery of the given IP. Find out whether the host is up, which ports are open etc.

Search Commands



locate keyword

Search for a file or directory in a pre-compiled cache. Much faster than find but many not show all results

find keyword

Search for a file or directory in the real system. Much slower than locate but is always up-to-date

find /home -name *.ext

Search for the given extension in the /home directory and all its sub-directories

find / -type f ! -perm xxx

List all files that don’t have the specified permission

find / -perm /u=r

Display all the read-only files

grep keyword filename

Search for the specified keyword/pattern in the given file

grep keyword *

Search for the specified keyword/pattern across all files in the current directory

grep -i keyword *

To ignore case while searching

grep -r keyword *

Perform a recursive search, i.e. include the sub-directories in the search

grep -x 'what to match' *

Print all the lines where a match was found

grep -c keyword *

Count the number of matches

Permissions Commands



chmod xxx filename

Assign the specified permissions to a file

chmod –R xxx directory

Assign the specified permissions to a directory, and all its sub-directories

chmod –x filename

Remove the execution permissions from a file

chown username filename

Change the ownership of the specified file

chown username:groupname filename

Change the ownership and the group ownership of a file

chown username:groupname filename1 filename2 filename3

Change the ownership and the group ownership of multiple files

chown --from=bob alice filename

Change the ownership of a file only if it’s owned by a specific user (added after --from=)

chown -h usergroup symbolic_link

Forcefully change the owner and group of a symbolic link

Storage Commands



df –h

List storage related information of all partitions, including overall size, free space, and used space etc.


Mount or unmount an ISO file or a storage device

du -h /home/directory_name

Find the directory size in a human readable format

du -sh /home/directory_name

To get the total size of a directory

du -ah --exclude='*.xxx' /home/directory_name

Display the disk usage of all files in a directory, excluding files with the given extension

du -ha --time /home/directory_name

Display disk usage of a directory by modification time

fdisk -­l

Show disk size along with partitioning information

sudo du -x / | sort -nr | head -20

List the top 20 directories that are overconsuming resources

User Management Commands



adduser username

Add a new user

userdel -r 'username'

Delete a user

passwd -l 'username'

Change the password of a user


See the currently logged in user

usermod -c 'This user will be deleted tomorrow' username

To add a comment to a user account

cat /etc/passwd

Display a list of all users with additional info

usermod -d /home/test username

Change the home directory of a user

sudo deluser username group_name

Remove a user from a group

usermod -a -G group_name username

Add a user to a group

groupadd group_name

Create a new group

groupdel group_name

Delete a group


Display the user ID, group ID, and groups for the current user

Git & GitHub Commands:

Thank You So All,